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A company for the production of glass from Pavlodar city has been able to automate the manufacturing process with the support of "Damu" Fund


A company for the production of glass from Pavlodar city has been able to automate the manufacturing process with the support of "Damu" Fund

A company "StekloMir" from Pavlodar city - one of the largest enterprises in the country for the sales of sheet glass, insulating glass production, ware, furniture and interior items made of glass and mirrors, as well as services for glass processing.

Glass business - a relatively new trend in the Kazakhstan economy, but very on demand, so the competition is appreciable. The secret of commercial success of "StekloMir" LLP - introduction into production innovative solutions.

According to the CEO of the company Vladimir Vysotsky, the production is completely innovative, starting with the software. All equipment robotized. The innovation lie in the fact that the human factor is maximally excluded from the manufacturing process.

Automated lines allow for high-precision cutting and shaping. The robots conduct self-production process. This affects both the quality and manufacture speed of products. As a result, at the output windows have ideal settings. TCI controller verifies them thoroughly with the standard, and only after that products sent to consumers.

- As a result of the mutually beneficial cooperation with the "Damu" Fund we were able to update the fleet of equipment, without using our own funds -reports Vladimir Vysotsky. - Comprehensive modernization of existing and purchase of new equipment has made our company more competitive in the market of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries in the field of glass processing and production of insulating glass.

With the support of "Damu" Fund, our company has acquired production facilities in Astana, previously we have had to rent a large facilities. I would like to express our gratitude to the government for such an important program to help businesses. After all, we are not resellers of goods, and produce own products. Sustainable development requires a "long" money, as well as relatively low interest rates. Therefore, it is indeed important, real support for processors.

The company is planning to open new and expanding existing branches.