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Pavlodar health resort is developing with the help of government support


Pavlodar health resort is developing with the help of government support

Moyildy Sanatoruim is a participant of “Business roadmap 2020” since 2013. Four projects were approved with a total value of more than 900 million tenge within a government program. The funds were spent on construction of additional sanatorium hulls, modernization of existing ones, furniture and equipment supply. At that time money was taken under 14%, 7% of which was subsidized by a government within a program.

It is a huge support for entrepreneurs from a government. Today, with a government support, sanatorium is a modern health resort providing a wide range of services for different types of diseases. A head of JSC Moyildy Sanatorium Fuat Satybayev says that they plan to build a small bakery, a factory of meat semi-processed goods and a vegetable storage.

A sanatorium does not have alternatives in a treatment in a whole country. The exceptional effectiveness of the treatment is that sanatorium has a natural lake Moyildy, containing highly mineralized silt mud and salty brine.

Considering a steady stream of tourists and high service requirements, a sanatorium makes a special emphasis on the development of infrastructure. Medical workers, technical staff, sport activity organizers, food unit staff – a collective that fulfills all the needs of guests.

In 2016, 183 projects to the amount of 28,91 billion tenge were approved by subsidy instruments in the framework of «Uniform program of support and development of business "Road map of business 2020". And also 70 projects in the amount of 1 871,5 million tenge of loan portfolio, and guarantee sum in 939 million tenge.