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The regional branch of the "Damu" Fund in Astana summarized the results of activity for the first half of the 2016


The regional branch of the "Damu" Fund in Astana summarized the results of activity for the first half of the 2016

During first half of 2016 the regional branch of the "Damu" Fund in Astana signed 42 subsidy contracts with loan portfolio for the total amount of 8.5 billion tenge, approved 46 guarantees on the total amount of 1.3 billion tenge.

A branch of the Fund is actively working on the non-financial support, including improvement of the competencies of entrepreneurs from Astana. 16 entrepreneurs from Astana were trained at the Higher School of Business of "Nazarbayev University" under the project "Training of top management of small and medium business".

During the first half of the year, 2877 consulting services were provided by Astana Entrepreneurs Service Center, 2492 of them to clients on the state support of business, financial and tax accounting, law and business plans creation.

In the framework of implementation the project "Support for opening new business" a seminar was held, which was attended by 20 participants. 51 students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the capital were trained under the project "Support for entrepreneurial initiatives of students".

In July, 2016 the Akimat of Astana and the "Damu" Fund have signed the Memorandum of cooperation on the program of financing of small and medium-sized businesses, operating in the retail trade, restaurant business, services for the delivery of food and for the purchase of franchises at the rate of - 8,5% per annum.