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Support for young people - it's an investment in the country's development


Support for young people - it's an investment in the country's development

The regional branch of the ««Damu» Entrepreneurship Development Fund» JSC in Almaty city and Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics and Strategic Research (KIMEP) signed a memorandum of understanding and cooperation in the framework of "Support for entrepreneurial initiatives of students” project.

Participation in this project will allow students to gain the knowledge about business fundamentals, including psychology, business and legal aspects of doing business, as well as make out the strategy for the selection of business ideas and structure of business plans. In the next stage, project participants will be working with mentors and will defend their business plans. 125 KIMEP students submitted applications for participation in the project "Support for entrepreneurial initiatives of students".

In his welcoming speech, deputy director of the regional branch of the Fund in Almaty city Arystan Kenzhalinov emphasized the importance of seminars and trainings conducted within the framework of the project, calling KIMEP one of the catalysts of the process to nurture a new generation of leaders for the public sector and the business sector.

The aim of the project "Support for entrepreneurial initiatives of students" is to assist unlock entrepreneurial potential of the higher educational institutions students of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the age of 18 to 29 years through the formation theirs business and personal competencies, sufficient to create and develop their own business.

The main objectives of the project - promotion of entrepreneurship among students and increasing entrepreneurial competences of active and emerging young entrepreneurs.

At present, about 40 students, postgraduates, as well as emerging entrepreneurs participates in the training workshops, where they learn the basics of entrepreneurship and hone their skills on practical case studies.