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From the production of branded gingerbread to sales of own confectionery franchise


From the production of branded gingerbread to sales of own confectionery franchise

Confectionery chain "Krendel" is known to every citizen of Pavlodar - more than 20 years, the chain of coffee houses and pastry delight citizens with branded products manufactured in accordance with international standards.

In 1995 the confectioner professional Zinaida Parkhomenko decided to open up production of confectionery products. Business started in rented premises, the money was taken in debt. Building was purchased three years later under the pastry shop, and in 1999 began the construction of the store, because the manufactured products require to push off.

In 2003, more trade points were organized, there were wholesalers who bought products by wholesale and sold it through the the city shops. Two years later Z.Parhomenko opened up the first coffee house.

The participation of entrepreneurs in the state program to support manufacturing enterprises has allowed the company to expand significantly -. More than 300 million tenge were spent on construction plant and equipment purchase.

According to Z.Parhomenko, today, "Krendel" - one of the few domestic companies that are ready to sell their own franchise. "With the program of conditional placement of funds in banks for futher financing of franchise projects from the" Damu "Fund, buying a franchise will now become more affordable. So, today, confectionery chain has already appeared in the cities of Astana and Ekibastuz", - she reported.