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Pumped entrepreneurial flair start-UPS, the Families!


Pumped entrepreneurial flair start-UPS, the Families!

December 15, 2017 in the building of the Representative office of "Damu" Fund in Semey was held the first business fitness. At 11 o'clock in the Fund "Damu" was overcrowded. The bulk of those wishing to participate in the event - starting entrepreneurs and existing businesses planning to state support, also decided to look into this a day at a fitness. After all, guest business fitness in this day became the founder of LLP "SmartStart" Sayat of Asangojaev. And he is the borrower an interesting triple – Sayat received the loan as a start-up, with the interest rate subsidy and guarantee Fund.

I had to go through the Sayat – could describe only one of him. In fact, at the time of application to the Bank Sayat he's been in private legal practice, but to prove it was not possible. Had to run a lot and to get the agreement of intent to acquire equipment and rent. To put it bluntly, the Treaty of intent for the rental Sayat never got, had to pay 1 month rent of the premises in which Sayat actually stopped after 3 months.

"One day I just came home from work and realized that can't work for someone, you want to do it by myself, - said Sayat this day to his listeners.- I'll be honest – the loan took me 3 months, but I have not regretted about spent time."

And now the dream has come true Sayat. Sayat received a loan under the guarantee of the "Damu" Fund, JSC "Bank CenterCredit" in may 2015, the loan amount was 4 304 thousand of TNG.
Originally Sayat opened an entertainment center for children, bought the maze and Playground equipment. He later decided to expand and opened at the entertainment center educational classes for preschoolers, organized tutoring activities.
What have you come Sayat today? Hard to believe, but today Sayat - head of the training center!
"Why I decided to transform the center? Because after all, life is constantly changing. Today, demand for some services, tomorrow – others. The main thing – to diversify its business so that no changes in market conditions he would not be a hindrance. I, for example, is still engaged in private legal practice. When it was hard to pay the loan, legal services always gave me extra money, so I closed the loan without a single delay, – has finished the story of Sayat".