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Projects under the Program of development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship are already being implemented in single-industry towns in Karaganda region


Projects under the Program of development of productive employment and mass entrepreneurship are already being implemented in single-industry towns in Karaganda region

If You think that in the vast Saryarka steppe can be developed only freight transport, You are deeply mistaken. Through participation in the Programme, LLС "Karaganda shipyard shipbuilding of small" breaks these stereotypes. Initially the company was engaged in supply of water transport (aluminum boats) from the Russian Federation for the various services of the Republic of Kazakhstan. But since 2013, it has organized its own production and released 230 boats. The main customers of the company are government agencies. Analogues of the construction of boats made of aluminium in the Republic of Kazakhstan no. A loan at 6 per cent per annum, issued by Sberbank on the purchase of raw materials for the production of floating equipment, will allow to increase production volumes of the enterprise and expand the product range. 

A businessman from the city of Zhezkazgan Khasenov Nurgul Kalkamanova, have been planning to do my own thing. Having studied the market, she realized that at the moment the city is a great demand for the services of kindergartens. The idea of organizing a private pre-school institutions were successfully implemented. Nurgul appealed to the people's Bank of Zhezkazgan and received a soft loan at the rate of 6 percent per annum, the Fund provided a guarantee in the amount of 85 percent of the loan amount, because this project is starting. The funds received by the entrepreneur purchased a commercial space, and necessary equipment, furniture and renovation works were financed by own funds. The opening of the kindergarten was held in October this year and is already 50 kids visit it. Total kindergarten is designed for 120 seats and in a short time, hopes Nurgul, kindergarten will operate with a full load. 

As of December 20 in Karaganda region under this Program received the support of more than 20 projects of entrepreneurs in the amount of 221,2 million tenge, of which three start-up projects, 8 projects, which were insufficient amount of collateral, the Fund on behalf of the state to provide guarantees from 50 to 85 percent of the loan amount. Nearly 20 projects worth more than 250,0 million tenge are approved by banks-participants of the Program.