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Entrepreneurs from Atyrau city took part in the Kazakh-Iranian business forum


Entrepreneurs from Atyrau city took part in the Kazakh-Iranian business forum

Last week in the Iranian capital Tehran, in the framework of the official visit of the Kazakh delegation led by the Minister for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan Asset Issekeshev the Kazakh-Iranian business forum took place. Kuandyk Bishimbayev, Chairman of the managing Board NMH "Baiterek" also was a part of delegation. During the visit, special attention was paid to the development of cooperation in the field of export of Kazakhstani products to the Iranian market (steel products, building materials, pellets, grain and others).

On the Kazakh-Iranian business forum, organized by the National managing holding "Baiterek" and the National Agency for Export and Investment «KAZNEXINVEST», the sides discussed prospects of bilateral projects in the oil and gas industry as well as construction and transport industries.

Kazakhstan and Iranian business community discussed issues of cooperation in priority sectors of the economy. Additionally, measures have been taken to eliminate the barriers to the implementation of joint business projects.

Investment opportunities of Kazakhstan as well as measures of state support for foreign investors were presented to the Iranian side. The business forum was attended by over 60 representatives of large enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including the Atyrau region - the general director of LLP "Zhigermunaiservice" Askhat Duisaliyev and director of LLP "Caspian Interindustrial Company" Yerkin Sulekenov.

Specializing in providing services in the oil and gas industry, "Zhigermunaiservice" LLP for more than 10 years operates in the manufacture and repair of drilling, oil field equipment and tools. The company is a participant of the Unified Program of Support and Business Development "Business Road Map 2020" - its director Askhat Duisaliyev got trainings on the basis of higher business school of "Nazarbayev University" (Astana city).

LLP "Caspian Interindustrial Company" is engaged in repair and maintenance service at industrial enterprises (mechanical service, industrial cleaning).

"Overall, the market for many kinds of areas of the economy are interesting, since it is, in fact, "not occupied niche" for the business. We met with a similar industrial service company. Perhaps, it will arise interesting joint direction", - said company director Yerkin Sulekenov.

Heads of the two enterprises from Atyrau held a number of meetings with Iranian companies, where issues of further possible cooperation were discussed.