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Since the beginning of the year 90 people in Taldykorgan city become entrepreneurs with the support of the "Damu" Fund


Since the beginning of the year 90 people in Taldykorgan city become entrepreneurs with the support of the "Damu" Fund

Since the beginning of 2016 1539 people reached out to the Centers of Entrepreneurs Service (CES) of Taldykorgan city. Among them are those who for the long time have been wishing to star their own business. Just in one and a half month 90 Taldykorgan citizens were able to start their own business with the support of the CES.

First-time entrepreneurs received information and consulting assistance from Centre's staff and got specialized training in the basics of business. Fresh businessmen will provide to the residents of the city services in the field of trade and passenger traffic, as well as begin to produce food.

23-year-old Indira Kasabaeva among those who decided to start their own business. She was trained in the "Damu" Fund within the program of support for start-up projects.

- I had an idea to open a fitness center, but I did not know where to start. Last year I appealed to the Centers of Entrepreneurs Service, where consultants advised to me to receive training for young aspiring entrepreneurs, which were organized free of charge by the Fund. During the trainings, I found out that just a business idea is not enough. We need to know how to promote our project, to analyze the market, prepare a business plan and provide specific calculations. Then, over one and a half months, I took a practical online training. Now I know how to create and run promo site, how to attract customers - says Indira.

In addition to advisory support, the "Damu" Fund also provides financial support. Representatives of SME are able to obtain grants, loans at concessional interest rates, as well as a guarantee in case of insufficient collateral.

Anyone who wants to try his hand in business or receive additional support measures for the existing business could requests for assistance to the Centers of Entrepreneurs Service.