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Rules for the procurement of goods, works and services

Rules for the procurement of goods, works and services

JSC "Enterprise Development Fund" Damu "(hereinafter - the Fund) announces the transition to electronic procurement from December 2015. In this connection, all potential suppliers / suppliers involved in the Fund's procurement procedures need to obtain the digital signature of the National Certifying Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan and register on the Eurasian electronic portal (

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On some measures to optimize the management system of development institutions, financial organizations and the development of the national economy" No. 571 of May 22, 2013 and Order of the Committee of State Property and Privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 27, 2013 No. 630 "On some issues of state property ", the share of the" Damu "Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC (hereinafter referred to as the Fund) was transferred to JSC" National managing holding "Baiterek".

On the basis of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Joint Stock Companies" (Article 34-1) and in accordance with the Model Rules for Procurement of Goods, Works and Services, approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 787 of May 28, 2009, the Fund developed and approved the Rules of Procurement of Goods, works and services of the Foundation.

Правила осуществления закупок товаров, работ и услуг АО Фонд развития предпринимательства Даму (с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию от 14 04 2017 г )