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An entrepreneur from Almaty city took advantage of technology of "Damu-Micro" and received the approval on the loan in just seven days


An entrepreneur from Almaty city took advantage of technology of "Damu-Micro" and received the approval on the loan in just seven days

An entrepreneur from Almaty city Murat Tolybayev produces metal doors, gates and other constructions for years. He uses local raw materials in his production. In order to purchase of new equipment for the gate manufacture entrepreneur needed a loan for a total amount of five million tenge. He learnt from media about the new technology of financing "Damu-Micro" and appealed for the "Damu" Fund.

-Before, I worked at bazaar, selling at retail, but the market determines new conditions. I need to participate in tenders, so I set up IE and now I can easily negotiate with partners. I want to build a complete production cycle of metal goods - from metal processing to its polishing. To do this, I need a money. I appealed for the "Damu" Fund and my project was supported, - says Murat Tolybayev.