


Loan term

up to 5 years

Maximum amount

8000 MCI (Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Aktau, Atyrau, Shymkent); 6500 MCI other cities;


up to 6%

Purpose of loan

Purchase of fixed assets; Replenishment of working capital

Need a loan: 120 000
1 000 000 ₸
100 000 000 ₸
Term: 3 months
1 month
60 months
Monthly payment: 45 000

Calculations preliminary. Contact with partners managers for a schedule for the payment.



Our managers will help you prepare your documents.


Apply for subsidy online from anywhere.


The Fund will consider your application in a short period.


We are trusted. We have supported more than 65 000 projects.


Participants may be

  1. Unemployed (regardless of registration with employment centers);
  2. Self-employed and unproductively employed;
  3. Aspiring entrepreneur;
  4. Existing entrepreneur;
  5. Agricultural cooperatives and their members who have not reached the retirement age established by paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 21, 2013 "On pension provision in the Republic of Kazakhstan"
  6. peasant and farm households, including participants in anchor cooperation
  7. Youth category Neet
  8. Member of a low-income and/or large family
  9. Able-bodied disabled person
Loan amount up to 8 thousand MCI in the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent, Aktau, Atyrau 
up to 6.5 thousand MCI in cities, single-industry towns (except for the cities of Nur-Sultan, Almaty, Shymkent, Aktau, Atyrau) 
Loan rate No more than 6% per annum
Maximum loan term 1) For investment - up to 5 (five) years;
2) For replenishment of working capital - up to 3 (three) years


Loans for End borrowers to open microbusinesses are issued after the defense of business projects within the framework of the Bastau Business project or upon the availability of a certificate of completion of training courses in the basics of entrepreneurship within the framework of other programs during the last 24 months from the date of receipt of the certificate preceding the date of application for the Loan.

Participants of the Program who have received a certificate of completion of training (for those admitted to the stage of business plan protection) in the Bastau Business project have priority rights to receive loans

Grace period for repayment of the principal debt and interest No more than one third of the duration of the microcredit term, as decided by the STB/MFI
Allowed Repeated lending is allowed at the expense of funds returned to end borrowers for previously issued credit resources
Financing for the following purposes is prohibited
Financing is prohibited
  1. Participation in the authorized capital of legal entities;
  2. For consumer purposes;
  3. Acquisition of real estate, construction of residential real estate, acquisition of land plots (the intended purpose of which is not related to entrepreneurial activity), except for cases when the intended purpose of such land plots/residential real estate is changed by the Program participant to business purposes within one year from the date of conclusion of the loan/microloan agreement
  4. Production of excisable goods;
  5. Refinancing of existing liabilities;
  6. Covering losses of business activities of Program participants (however, it is permitted to provide microloans to Program participants with a negative financial result);
  7. Payment for services of attorneys (agents); 
Special conditions *** An entrepreneur can use the Guarantee under the program.
1) Aspiring entrepreneur up to 85% - 8,000 MCI;
2) Existing entrepreneur up to 50% - 8,000 MCI;
Microloans are not provided to Program participants 1) the founders (including participants, shareholders) of which are state-owned enterprises/institutions, national management holdings, national companies and organizations, fifty or more percent of shares (interests in the authorized capital) of which directly or indirectly belong to the state, national management holding, national holding, national company (except for a social and entrepreneurial corporation, as well as entrepreneurs established under a public-private partnership agreement), as well as non-profit organizations;
2) not complying with the terms of the Program and Rules
3) Having tax arrears. Arrears on mandatory pension contributions noses, mandatory professional pension contributions and social and social deductions to the budget. (the absence of this certificate is confirmed by the one issued no later than 30 (thirty) calendar days before the date of submission of the application by the Program participant for financing)
4) Implementing projects involving the production or supply of weapons (including components for the production of weapons), narcotic substances or other property withdrawn from civil circulation;
5) Implementing projects involving activities related to terrorist and any other activities prohibited by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
6) Implementing projects related to the gambling business;
7) Carrying out the production and wholesale distribution of excisable goods or products, with the exception of projects involving the production of motor vehicles and the production of wine from grapes of their own production
8) Carrying out their activities in the mining industry, with the exception of projects for the development of gravel and sand quarries;
9) Implementing projects in the metallurgical industry, which are included in the list of large taxpayers subject to monitoring, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 29, 2016 No. 918
10) being subjects of medium or large entrepreneurship in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Financing for the following purposes is prohibited

1) participation in the authorized capital of legal entities;

2) reimbursement of previously incurred expenses by Program participants, repayment of debt incurred in connection with the receipt by Program participants of financial assistance from individuals and/or legal entities, including participants, shareholders, officials and employees of Program participants;

3) consumer lending;

4) refinancing of existing liabilities;

5) acquisition and construction of residential real estate, land plots (the intended purpose of which is not related to entrepreneurial activity), except for cases when the intended purpose of such land plots/residential real estate will be changed by the Program participant to business purposes within one year from the date of conclusion of the loan/microloan agreement;

6) coverage of losses from business activities of Program participants (in this case, loans/microloans may be provided to Program participants with a negative financial result);

7) payment for services of attorneys (agents);

8) payment of commissions, fees and/or other payments related to the loan/microloan of the Program participants;

9) acquisition of securities (portfolio investments);

10) acquisition of fixed assets, assets from affiliated/related companies/persons;

11) payment for fictitious or sham transactions;

12) payment for any contracts/agreements that contain information about the legal address and/or bank account details of counterparties registered/opened in offshore zones provided for in the List of offshore zones for the purposes of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Combating the Legalization (Laundering) of Criminally Obtained Incomes and the Financing of Terrorism", approved by order of the Acting Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 10, 2010 No. 52 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 6058) and/or in the List of offshore zones for the purposes of banking and insurance activities, activities of professional participants in the securities market and other licensed types of activities in the securities market, activities of accumulative pension funds and joint-stock investment funds, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Market and Financial Organizations dated October 2, 2008 No. 145 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 5371).

Additional conditions

1) not to finance several affiliated participants of the Program for the implementation of one project for a total amount exceeding 8,000 MCI.

One project is considered to be a combination of two or more projects corresponding to simultaneously all of the following criteria:

- the project is implemented on the territory of one facility;

- the project is implemented within the framework of one subclass of the general classifier of types of economic activity (hereinafter - OKED);

- there are financial flows between the Program participants implementing one project;
2) the Program participants do not register the property/assets acquired using the loan/microloan funds in the name of third parties, and do not construct a facility on a land plot owned by third parties, except in cases of construction on a land plot owned by the state;
3) in the event of termination by a Program participant of a transaction for the purchase and sale of a long-term asset or alienation of a long-term asset acquired using the loan/microloan funds, the Program participant notifies the creditor in writing within 3 business days after such termination/alienation. This condition is fixed in the relevant loan/microloan agreement. The creditor shall send a corresponding notification to the microcredit organization within 3 business days from the date of receipt of such notification from the Program participant. In the event that a written request is sent by the microcredit organization, the creditor and/or the Program participant shall repay the loan/microloan ahead of schedule in the manner and within the timeframes specified in the requirements of the microcredit organization;
4) The Program participants shall use the microloan or parts thereof for its intended purpose within 6 months from the date of financing, unless another period for the acquisition of goods and/or works and/or services is provided for by the relevant agreement concluded between the Program participant and the counterparty;

5) loans/microloans are not issued to start-up entrepreneurs for the implementation of projects in the OKED economic sectors corresponding to the activities of existing affiliated entrepreneurs (at the OKED class level).

Other terms of financing of the Program participants are determined by the decision of the authorized body of the creditor.

No industry restrictions