The Fund views corporate governance as a means to improve operational efficiency, ensure transparency and accountability, strengthen reputation and reduce the cost of raising capital. The Fund considers an appropriate corporate governance system as its contribution to ensuring the supremacy of legislation in the Republic of Kazakhstan and a factor determining the Fund’s place in the modern economy and society as a whole. The corporate governance system provides for a clear division of powers and responsibilities between the bodies, officials and employees of the Fund.
The fundamental principles of corporate governance are:
As part of its activities, the Damu Fund pays special attention to compliance with the principles and provisions of the Corporate Governance Code, which meets the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and relevant international standards. A report on compliance/non-compliance with the principles and provisions of the Fund’s Corporate Governance Code is submitted annually for consideration by the Fund’s Board of Directors and posted on the Fund’s corporate website.
In accordance with the requirements of the Corporate Governance Code, the Fund is required to conduct an independent assessment of corporate governance at least once every three years. Based on the results of the study carried out in December 2021. independent diagnostics of corporate governance, compliance of the level of corporate governance with the requirements of best practice is 90.8%.
Data security and the reliability of online systems play a crucial role in evaluating performance this project. In this regard, the Foundation strives to ensure a high level of information protection and the availability of online services for partners. The Foundation adheres to and is guided by the Policy information security. The policy defines the basic principles, directions and requirements according to information protection, it is the basis for ensuring the information security regime, It serves as a guide in the development of relevant regulations, rules, and instructions.
In addition, information disclosure issues are regulated by the Information Disclosure Regulation, which defines the rules and approaches to disclosure of information; a list of publicly available documents, information (materials) to be disclosed; list of documents, information (materials) to be disclosed to the Sole Shareholder; methods and terms of disclosure information (materials), etc.
At the same time, in order to comply with the principle of transparency and objectivity of information disclosure about the Fund's activities, extended information is posted on the corporate website on an ongoing basis analytical and review reports-presentations and lists of participants as financial programs and instruments (subsidizing, guaranteeing, financing through STB as part of the development government funds and other programs of the Damu Foundation), as well as non-financial support measures entrepreneurship implemented by the Damu Foundation. In addition to reports and presentations, the Foundation's corporate website publishes documents, materials and information that are subject to disclosure (placement) in public sources.
Regulations on confidential information of Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC
Information Security Policy of Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC
Regulations on disclosure of information of Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC
The main element of the Fund's risk management process is its integration with the specifics the organization, the basic principles of activity, business processes and engagement each employee is involved in the risk management process. Taking into account the main objectives JSC "National Managing Holding "Baiterek" as a managing Holding Company, as well as the consolidation of financial results of the financial statements process The implementation and improvement of the risk management system is directly supervised A holding company.
The implementation of the Fund's corporate risk management system is based on the establishment of and the development of the necessary infrastructure and culture, as well as covers the application of logical and systematic methods of identification, analysis and evaluation, monitoring control and risk management inherent in all areas of activity, functions or the Fund's processes, in order to prevent losses and maximize benefits. The main one An element of the Fund's risk management process is its integration with the specifics the organization, the basic principles of activity, business processes and engagement each employee is involved in the risk management process.
The risk management structure in the Fund is represented by risk management at several levels levels involving the following bodies and divisions of the Fund: Board of Directors, Management, the structural unit responsible for risk management, Service internal audit and other structural divisions.
Первый уровень представлен Советом директоров Фонда. Совет директоров играет ключевую роль в осуществлении надзора за системой корпоративного управления рисками. Совет директоров осуществляет часть функций в области управления рисками через создание соответствующих комитетов при Совете директоров.
The Internal Audit Service of the Fund performs an audit in the process of risk management risk management procedures and risk assessment methodologies, as well as the development of proposals to improve the effectiveness of risk management procedures, presentation the report on the assessment of the effectiveness of the risk management system for the Board of Directors of the Fund, as well as monitoring the implementation by the Management Board of the decisions of the Board of Directors of the Fund
The second level is the Board of the Foundation, responsible for organizing an effective system risk management and creation of a risk control structure to ensure to comply with and follow corporate policies. The Board is responsible for creating a culture of "risk awareness" that reflects the policy of risk management and the philosophy of the Foundation. The Board is also responsible for creating an effective management system risk management so that employees have clearly defined risk management obligations and they are responsible for fulfilling their duties. The Management Board has the right to carry out part of the functions in the field of risk management through the creation of appropriate committees.
The third level in the risk management process is the structural unit of the Fund, responsible for risk management. Employees of the structural division of the Fund, responsible for risk management, must interact with others divisions and the Sole Shareholder, as well as external and internal auditors The Fund for the effective implementation of the goals and objectives of the risk management system.
Управление операционными рисками в Фонде осуществляется на постоянной основе по каждому направлению деятельности Фонда и учитывает следующее:
Законодательство Республики Казахстан и рекомендации Базельского комитета являются основополагающими для определения операционных рисков и классификации событий операционных рисков.
Структура управления операционными рисками Фонда:
Система внутреннего контроля Фонда определена как совокупность политик, процессов и процедур, норм поведения и действий, способствующих надежной и рациональной деятельности, позволяющей Фонду соответствующим образом реагировать на существенные риски в части достижения целей Фонда.
В Фонде разграничивается компетенция органов, входящих в систему внутреннего контроля, в зависимости от их роли в процессах разработки, утверждения, применения и оценки системы внутреннего контроля в соответствии с требованиями законодательства, Устава Фонда и моделью Комитета спонсорских организаций Комиссии Тредвея «Внутренний контроль - Интегрированная модель» от 2013 года (COSO).
Система внутреннего контроля состоит из процедур по своевременному информированию органов Фонда о любых существенных недостатках и слабых местах контроля с детализацией мероприятий, которые были предприняты или следует предпринять, и должна быть способной оперативно реагировать на риски.
Органы и структурные подразделения Фонда стремятся в максимально сжатые сроки обеспечить передачу соответствующей информации органам и/или лицам, уполномоченным принимать решения об устранении любых существенных недостатков и слабых мест контроля.
Система внутреннего контроля в Фонде построена на следующих принципах:
Regulation on confidential information of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"
Environmental and social policy of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"
Report of “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund” JSC on the debut issue of social bonds, 2023
Gender Policy of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"
Code of Business Ethics of JSC "Damu" Entrepreneurship Development Fund"
Semi-annual report on environmental monitoring 03/15/2021 y.
Regulations on the Board of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"
Policy on the organization of external audit in JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"
Charter of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" dated 11.11.2016 y.
Regulations on the corporate secretary of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu" 2018 / Amendments to the Regulation on the Corporate Secretary of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"
Information Security Policy of JSC "Damu" Entrepreneurship Development Fund"
Regulation on information disclosure of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"
Rules for the selection, payment of remuneration and compensation of expenses of independent directors of subsidiaries of JSC NMH Baiterek / Changes to the Rules for the selection, payment of remuneration and compensation of expenses of independent directors of subsidiaries of JSC NMH Baiterek
Regulations on the Ombudsman of JSC "Entrepreneurship Development Fund "Damu"
Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing policy