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Social responsibility

The Damu Fund, as a socially responsible organization that implements comprehensive government measures of financial support for entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan and its regions, is guided by internal principles and values, focusing its activities on increasing social responsibility, in the pursuit of sustainable and responsible development in the long term.

Government support measures implemented by the Fund (subsidized interest rates, loan guarantees and preferential lending) are aimed at stimulating micro, small and medium-sized businesses to maintain existing and create new permanent jobs, increase the level of production of domestic enterprises and ensure greater availability of financing.

As part of its internal personnel policy, the Fund strives to create competitive working conditions, providing reliable and safe working conditions for all employees.

- Caring for the Foundation’s employees:
Internal policy aimed at supporting and developing employees, including ensuring safe and comfortable working conditions, supporting professional growth, and creating equal opportunities.

- Contribution to the development of society
The Foundation implements support tools aimed at charity, volunteering, social support for vulnerable groups of the population, cultural and sports events.

-Ethical behavior
The Foundation emphasizes the importance of ethics in business relations, the inadmissibility of corruption, discrimination, and human rights violations.

- Strategic planning
The Fund integrates the principles of social responsibility into its Development Strategy and all business processes.

Sub-blocks of the section

Human capital is the main value and main resource; the results of the Fund’s activities directly depend on the level of professionalism and safety of the Fund’s employees.

As part of its human resource management activities, the Fund adheres to the goals and objectives of the Unified Personnel Policy of Baiterek NMH JSC. The goal of the Unified Personnel Policy is to strengthen the position of the organization, which requires the sustainable development of highly professional and mobile labor resources sufficient to fulfill the strategic objectives.

To provide the Fund with the necessary human resources with the necessary qualifications and the required motivation, the Fund, within the framework of the Strategy, is actively working on the development and cultivation of personnel by creating an effective system of training and education for employees. The Foundation's HR objectives are to attract and retain professionals who can contribute to the development and growth of the Foundation's effectiveness. As part of the personnel policy, taking into account a unified approach to all subsidiaries of Baiterek NMH JSC, the Fund plans to develop in the following areas:

  • 1) workforce planning will be carried out through the use of open competitive selection, ensuring transparency, as well as through the creation of a personnel reserve from the best employees of the Fund;
  • 2) increasing the level of labor productivity of employees will be carried out through performance assessment, the use of key performance indicators, personnel certification and motivational programs;
  • 3) productive management of human capital will be ensured by a system of continuous training and development of personnel, the introduction and use of modern technologies and information management systems in work processes, including the digitalization of knowledge management processes;
  • 4) ensuring fair and competitive remuneration for work based on the implemented grade system and taking into account a review of wages on the market.

Unified personnel policy of Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC and legal entities, more than fifty percent of whose shares (participation interests) are directly owned by Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC on the right of ownership or trust management for 2019-2021, on the right of ownership or trust management for 2019-2021

In order to create and ensure equality of opportunity, the Foundation develops tools to support social and youth entrepreneurship, and also strives to create equal working conditions and career opportunities and does not allow gender, ethnic or other discrimination.

In order to provide support and inclusion in the active life of the Foundation of people with difficulties in physical development, including those with disabilities or mental characteristics, the total staff of the Foundation's employees includes employees with disabilities.

The Foundation also implements programs to support women’s entrepreneurship, which is one of the main directions of state policy defined by the Head of State. As Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted, supporting women’s entrepreneurship, along with the institution of family, mothers of many children, and ensuring gender balance are the most important priorities of state policy. In this regard, the Foundation strives to create equal working conditions and career opportunities. In 2021, the Damu Foundation approved a gender policy.

Over the past decade, the Fund has implemented a number of programs to support women entrepreneurs, including: the “Women in Business” program in cooperation with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (implementation period 2015 – 2021), the Program for financing MSMEs, including women entrepreneurs within the framework of the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Asian Development Bank and the Damu Fund (implementation period 2011–2020), as well as within the framework of the Fund’s own program “Program of conditional placement of funds in second-tier banks for subsequent microcredit to women’s entrepreneurship” (implementation period 2009– 2018). Thanks to government support measures provided by the Fund, the share of women entrepreneurs is more than 46% of the total number of entrepreneurs who received financial support under all the Fund’s programs.

Gender Policy of Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC

The organization of the work process in the Fund in terms of labor protection is aimed at increasing the level of protection of workers, creating safe working conditions and preserving the health of workers, systematically introducing a safety culture and preventing accidents. Employees of the Foundation take part in the “Donor Day” campaign on an annual basis, thereby making their unique contribution to the health and life expectancy of other people.

In order to reduce the threat to life and preserve the health of the Fund's employees, free medical insurance is provided and annual medical examinations are conducted without interruption from work. At the same time, seasonal vaccinations are organized to prevent ARVI and influenza. In 2018, the Fund approved the Occupational Health and Safety Policy.

The social component is focused on the principles of social responsibility, which, among other things, include ensuring labor safety and preserving the health of workers, fair remuneration and respect for the rights of workers, individual development of personnel, implementation of social programs for personnel, creation of new jobs, sponsorship and charity, environmental and educational events. In 2018, the Fund approved the Rules for the provision of social support to employees.

In September 2021, the Damu Fund carried out its debut issue of social bonds on the KASE platform in the amount of 1 billion tenge, as part of measures to support the affected sectors of the economy from COVID-19.

The Foundation provides charitable assistance to WWII veterans, labor veterans and war children on an ongoing basis. The Foundation takes part in the annual charity fair organized by the Holding. The Foundation regularly provides targeted assistance to large, low-income families, as well as other types of charitable assistance and support in accordance with requests received from private foundations and individuals.

Social projects

Экологическая и социальная политика Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC

Rules for the provision of sponsorship and charitable assistance Joint-stock Company Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund

Reports on the provision of sponsorship and charitable assistance

Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC report on the debut issue of social bonds for 2022

Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC report on the debut issue of social bonds

Report on the expression of an independent opinion on the compliance of the second issue of exchange-traded bonds of Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund JSC with the principles of social bonds

The Fund's policy in the field of social bonds (Social Bond Framework)