
Information on transactions with related parties

Information on transactions with related parties 2023

Related Party Transactions 2023

Information on transactions with related parties 2022

Related Party Transactions 2022

Information on transactions with related parties 2021

Related Party Transactions 2021

Information on transactions with related parties 2020

Related Party Transactions 2020

Information on transactions with related parties 1st half of 2020

Information on related transactions for 2019

Related Party Transactions 2019

Information on transactions with related parties for the 1st half of 2019

Information about related transactions for 2018

Information on transactions with related parties 2018

Information on transactions with related parties for the 1st half of 2018

Information on related transactions for 2017

Information on transactions with related parties 2017

Information on transactions with related parties for the 1st half of 2017

Information on related transactions for 2016

Information on transactions with related parties for 2016

Information on transactions with related parties for 9 months of 2016

Information on transactions with related parties for the 1st half of 2016

Information on transactions with related parties for the 1st quarter of 2016

Information on related transactions for 2015

Information on transactions with related parties for 2015

Information on transactions with related parties for 9 months of 2015

Information on transactions with related parties for the 1st half of 2015

Information on transactions with related parties for the 1st quarter of 2015

Information on related transactions for 2014

Information on transactions with related parties for 2014

Information on transactions with related parties for the 1st half of 2014

Information on related transactions for 2013

Information on transactions with related parties for 2013 y.

Information on transactions with related parties for the first half of 2013 y.

Information on transactions between related parties for the first quarter of 2013 y.

Information on transactions with related parties for 2012

Information on transactions with related parties for 9 months of 2012

Information on transactions with related parties for the first quarter of 2012

Information on transactions with related parties for 2011

Information on transactions with related parties for 9 months of 2011

Information on transactions with related parties for the first half of 2011

Transactions with interested parties for the first quarter of 2011