При поддержке Фонда «Даму» в городе Жанаозен открыт торгово-развлекательного комплекс


Happy Children's Day! On 1st June Zhanaozen’s children had double holiday: a new shopping and entertainment complex ZIBA opened up in city with the support of the "Damu" Fund.

There are many interesting things for children: amusement, slot machines, children's cafe, cinema ... Well, in honor of the holiday during the opening ceremony the main attention was paid to the kids again, they drew with chalk on the pavement, play, compete, awarded prizes, candy and ice cream.

In addition, a little about the adults. New trading house has given work to dozens of people, and 15 entrepreneurs have already opened up their outlets.

The project was implemented on the Halyk Bank’s credit supported by the "Damu" Fund.

Individual entrepreneur Gulsim Urazova received a guarantee from the "Damu" Fund as collateral for a loan in the amount of 250 million tenge, as well as subsidies within the framework of the "Program on development of single-industry towns for 2012-2014".

The complex has a children's entertainment area with rides and slot machines, children's cafe, a cinema in 3D and 4H with 150 seats, a supermarket and numerous shopping areas.